Ideogramology (continued 5)

Ideogramology (continued 5):

Philology (English: Analysis of Characters), is a subject of linguistics and Chinese Literature in China.  The purpose of philology is to study Chinese ideographic character and its origin and development with the relationship between the shape, sound, and meaning of characters, orthography, and the evolution of individual characters.  Chinese ideographic characters have a long history and have a complex structure, so philology is particularly developed in China. Philology has a history of nearly 2000 years in ancient Chinese linguistics primary schools.  Modern linguistics is mainly based on Western academics.  However, most European languages ​​are phonetic, not ideographic (pictographic).  Therefore, there are few disciplines devoted to the study of hieroglyphs in Western language disciplines. Also, it is difficult to find an appropriate English subject name.  At present, there is no proper English subject name to call “Chinese Philology” in Western linguistics. Hopefully, there will be more research on both ideogramology (表意文字学) (philology) and phonogramology (表音文字学) (phonology), and especially more ideographic languages research.

(to be continued)

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Vic

    Great article and informative! I need time to read it through again to get a better understanding. Thx for the info.

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