What is the relationship between pictographic writing vs origin civilization and phonographic writing vs secondary civilization?

What is the relationship between pictographic writing vs origin civilization and phonographic writing vs secondary civilization?

As we know that during origin (pristine) civilizations people wrote in pictograms (Ideographic characters), while later in secondary civilizations people started to write phonetic letters.

Ideographic characters, the product of origin civilization, originated from the most primitive civilizations, and they maintained the earliest primitive civilizations.  Phonetic (phonographic) writing evolved from the result of secondary civilizations.  Since secondary civilizations are constantly interrupted and changed, their languages ​​also change with the changes in civilization and social culture.  At present, phonetic writings are the majority of texts and languages ​​in the world. Why does this happen?  Phonetic languages have experienced constant changes and interruptions due to the changing secondary civilizations, especially since the Ancient Greek civilization derived from Mesopotamia and Egyptian civilizations. The Greek language was one of the most influenced languages in the western civilization history. The constant change of phonetic languages from Greek to Latin and to the rest of the indo-European languages, resulting in the spread of multiple phonetic languages around the world. On the other hand, the original civilization such as the Chinese civilization has preserved and passed on the original civilization and languages.  Other than the majority of phonetic languages, Chinese is the only existing ideographic language from the origin civilization in the world.

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